Anchoring the critical reappraisal of German colonial history in the coalition agreement
With this petition, around 250 initial signatories from civil society, science, culture and churches are addressing the parties that will begin coalition talks after the federal election on 23 February 2025. They want the future German government to proactively work on addressing German colonial history at home and in foreign relations.
Coordination with the European Union…
The future federal government can set an example here and initiate and support processes in coordination with the European Union, for example through new funding instruments and European-African cooperation projects.
… and the African Union
In addition, the federal government should take new initiatives, also in conjunction with Europe, vis-à-vis the African Union and African regional organisations to address post-colonial entanglements.
Pacific and China
At the same time, awareness of the history and consequences of German colonialism in the Pacific region and in China should be raised.
Editorial group
The editorial group responsible for the text consists of:
– Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger, Freie Universität Berlin,
– Prof. Dr. Larissa Förster, Humboldt-Universität Berlin,
– Dr. Thomas Fues, blog ‘’,
– Gita Herrmann, curator,
– Prof. Dr. Andreas Mehler, University of Freiburg,
– Daniela Tschuschke, Tanzania Network e.V.
Digital signature
You can sign the petition (German version) digitally via Campact’s WeAct platform:
Download of pdf file
You can download the English version of the petition here: