Schlagwort: Restitution
Interview mit MdB Helge Lindh zur deutschen Restitutions-Politik
Interview mit dem Kulturpolitischen Sprecher der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, MdB Helge Lindh, zur Aufarbeitung der deutschen Kolonialgeschichte. Er wünscht, dass BKM und Auswärtiges Amt ihr gemeinsames Konzept für Restitution von Kulturgütern und Repatriierung der Ancestral Remains aus kolonialen Kontexten bis zur Sommerpause vorlegen.
Address presented by his Majesty the Fon of Fontem on 30th March 2024
Address by the Fon of Fontem at historic event of handing over Bangwa sculptures on 30th March 2024. He outlines the long, ongoing struggle of his people for return of artefacts looted by German colonizers. And appreciates support of Cameroon’s Inter-Ministerial Committee, RegARTless/Sysy House of Fame and German museums in Cologne, Brunswick and Hanover.
Abdulrazak Gurnah and German Colonialism: Conference Report
This report on a recent conference at the Barenboim-Said Akademie in Berlin looks at the impact of Abdulrazak Gurnah’s novels on colonial memories in Germany. It is obvious that joint efforts of Tanzania and Germany to address their entangled history are still very much at the beginning.
Restitution & digitization: Concepts that problematize African digital heritage spaces
This paper by Fonyuy Edward Bulami (University of Bamenda-Bambili, Cameroon) addresses the discourses around digitization and restitution of cultural heritage. It calls for digital spaces that are inclusive of African perspectives and sensitivities.